Loving Care

We encourage families to worship together on Sunday mornings, we also understand that sometimes young children just need their own space where they can learn about God's love for them through play, story, and interaction with one another in a safe space.

Children of all ages are welcome to come down to the Pray Ground in the front of the Sanctuary where they can experience worship through age appropriate materials and keep them engaged during worship.

A Cry Room is available in the back of the Sanctuary where parents can take their little ones who need temporary refuge.

*Accommodations for special needs can be made directly with families as needed and appropriate. Please contact the church to talk about how we can be most welcoming for your family!

As part of our stated child protection policy, we ask that you (parents) accompany your children in the Cry Room.

From birth to high school, we seek to provide quality programming for children to help them know that they truly are a beloved child of God.

It is our goal to provide a safe, warm, loving environment for every child, so that they may grow in strength, in knowledge, and in love of the Lord.

It is our hope that every child who walks into this place may know the embrace of this family, the love of God, and the joy of the Holy Spirit.