Exploring Together
Confirmation is offered on a biannual basis, typically for youth in 8th and 9th grades, although we do adjust age ranges as appropriate. This class is a great place for youth of this age to begin the process of exploring faith from their growing and maturing perspective and can give them the tools to approach life and the world from a faith perspective.
At the end of the class, the students will have the opportunity to join the church as they are comfortable and ready.
The 2022-2023 Confirmation Class used the Big God Big Questions curriculum and confirmed on Palm Sunday.
Confirmation Class April 2023
For more information about Confirmation, please contact the church office.
From birth to high school, we seek to provide quality programming for children to help them know that they truly are a beloved child of God.
It is our goal to provide a safe, warm, loving environment for every child, so that they may grow in strength, in knowledge, and in love of the Lord.
It is our hope that every child who walks into this place may know the embrace of this family, the love of God, and the joy of the Holy Spirit.