Adult Christian Education
Biblical Literacy Class
Sundays, 9:15 AM-10:15 am
Repeated on
Thursdays, 2:00 Pm-3:00 PM
Meets Sunday morning in the Conference Room in the church Office.
Sunday’s lesson will be repeated on Thursday.
Begins Oct 6, 2024
Sunday at 9:15 AM
Thursday at 2:00 PM.
Features of the lessons
How is the Bible the Word of God?
When was this written and why?
Is everything in th Bible accurate, true history?
What should this story mean to me?
What s the main idea or what is the lesson teaching?
How does the culture of the time effct the meaning?
How can there be different translations if it’s Gods Word?
What are the kinds of literature found in the Bible?
Exactly what is the Bible?
Why on earth was this story included in the Bible?
What time of history do these events take place?
Does every word have to be understood literally?
Christians are to be people of the Book
Bill Buhro, class leader, does not know all these answers; we will explore them together.