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2:00 PM14:00

Inquirer's Class

  • Southern Heights Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Interested in knowing more about what it means to be a Presbyterian and/or a member of Southern Heights?

Join us for this no commitment class to learn more or to start the process of becoming a member here. 

Contact Pastor Leanne with any questions!

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1:00 PM13:00

Inquirers' Class

Interested in knowing more about Southern Heights Presbyterian Church? About what it means to be a member?

Come and join in this brief class where we discuss the church, this church, and the meaning of membership.

Attendance at this event does not bind you to an obligation to join the church. This is just an opportunity to ask questions and learn more. 

Child care and snacks will be provided. 

Please RSVP before the class so that we can have enough materials for everyone.

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