The Gathering Place

In December, as part of our ongoing Spotlight on Mission program to highlight service opportunities in our community as well as mission programs that are supported financially by Southern Heights, we invited Michael Ryan from The Gathering Place to come and share about the work being done there and ways that we can get involved. 

Over 30 years ago, The Gathering Place , a program of Community Action, was founded and envisioned to be a place "where anyone with special concern for the poor, elderly, lonely, homeless, hungry, differently abled, and disenfranchised would feel welcome."

Through the years, it has transformed from a hospitality and community center to serving a pressing need for the homeless and near homeless of Lincoln: providing a hot meal along with friendship and welcome to all who walk in the doors. 

The Gathering Place serves an evening meal every weekday, and provides fresh bread and produce twice a week, serving over 30,000 meals yearly.

Southern Heights Presbyterian Church supports The Gathering Place financially as well as by providing and serving the evening meal on the fifth Tuesday of the month.