
Where Can I Find You?

There are days...Oh, there are days...when the road seems too rough and the journey too hard. What do we do when we just want to give up?

In the wake of a week of horrible news, (yet another mass shooting where innocent lives were lost, a small child from a neighboring community lost while happily splashing on vacation, hate, hurt, anger and vitriol streaming across the airwaves into our homes and into our minds), we are tired and hurting and...just looking for God to speak to us in these moments.

Today, we look for God's grace and mercy in a world where it is hard to see.


Old Testament Lesson: 1 Kings 19:1-15a. Read by John Dahm.
New Testament Lesson: Luke 8:26-39.

Sermon Preached by Rev. Leanne Masters - Pastor, Southern Heights Presbyterian Church