
Feeling Forsaken

This week, we explore the most difficult of times that we face, personally and communally,  and ask the question: Where is God in this? Join us as we ask that question, and seek God in the midst of the whirlwind.

Scripture this week is Job 23:1-9, 16-17 and Psalm 22:1-15. Preached by Rev. Leanne Masters, pastor at Southern Heights Presbyterian Church.

A Righteous Fire

What do we do when we see injustice happening in the world around us? To people around us? To us? 

What do we do when the injustices that are being done are perfectly within the bounds of what is legal, even if not ethical?

How do we respond? What do we do? How shall we hear the call of God to work for justice in our world?

What Would Jesus Do?

Join us this week as we explore all of this as we delve into the scripture readings for the day, Exodus 20:1-7 and John 2:13-22.

Preached by Rev. Leanne Masters, Pastor