Visiting a church for the first time comes with a lot of questions. It is our hope that this page will help answer any questions that you may have so that you feel comfortable walking in the doors!
Attitude and Atmosphere of Worship
Southern Heights welcomes all people of all ages and from all walks of life in our worship and our work and our fellowship.
Know that you are welcome.
Our worship services can be described as festive, casual, accessible and contemporary-traditional.
We are festive: we respond to God with joy, laughter, and song, and we are not afraid to express these in worship.
We are casual: we encourage people to be comfortable in their worship of God. For some people that means wearing their Sunday best, for others it means wearing their favorite pair of jeans. Wear what you are comfortable wearing, and you will feel at home.
We are accessible: our church is completely accessible, we have a modern a/v system with hearing assistance devices, and all elements of the service are projected on two large screens at the front of the sanctuary. If there is anything that you need to make your worship more accessible, please let us know, and we will work to meet your needs.
We are contemporary-traditional: we do follow a traditional order of service but we also incorporate contemporary worship methods into our services; we are not wed to either. We believe that, no matter what we do in worship, it should be an authentic expression of our worship of God.
Upon Arrival and Entering the Building
If you are in need of special needs parking, you can find designated spaces in the circle drive on the West side of the parking lot.
As you approach the building from the parking lot, you will notice two double doors, one to East and one on the North.
The door to the East will lead you to the Fellowship Hall (by turning right upon entrance), and the door to the North will lead you to the Sanctuary.
When you enter the North doors, you will meet our Ambassadors, who will greet you, offer you a visitor form, that, if you choose, you may leave with us the day of your visit, or return either in person or by mail at a later date.
The Ambassadors will also be able to answer any questions that you may have, whether it’s the location of the bathroom or where to hang your coat. Should you need a facemask upon your arrival, the Ambassadors will provide one for you.
During the Service
Please sit wherever you are comfortable; there are no "bad" seats in our sanctuary! There are places in the service where you may be invited to stand at your comfort level. You may choose to be seated during these times.
At a mid-way point in the service, we are often invited to share a sign of peace with each other. The sign of peace varies greatly, and is based on personal comfort level and mutual consent between those sharing the peace. It can be a verbal greeting, a long distance greeting or sign of peace, a handshake, fist/elbow bump, or even a hug.
Following the Service
At the end of the service, the Pastor will stand at the back of the sanctuary to greet people as they exit. Make sure you stop and say hello!
At this time, our Fellowship Time for refreshments and conversation is suspended in accordance with our Covid Response Policy. So, be sure to leave your contact information, because we’d love to have the opportunity to get to know you!
If you have any questions about attending the service that are not answered here, please feel free to contact us!