
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, All In-Person Church Activities, including Worship, are Suspended at this time.

As of November 6, 2020, the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department has moved our Community Covid Risk Dial to Red. 
In response to this move and accompanying guidance, the Session of Southern Heights Presbyterian Church met the morning of November 7 and made the following decisions:

  • Worship services will return to virtual delivery, effective immediately. The service will be available on the front page of the website no later than 8am each Sunday morning.

  • All In person and face to face activities are suspended, both on and off church property, and groups are encouraged to meet virtually, also effective immediately.

  • Members are encouraged to reach out and connect with each other, check in with each other, and those who have lower risk are encouraged to offer assistance in things like obtaining groceries to those who are at higher risk.

  • The church office will remain open, however discretion continues to be given to staff on working from home. It is recommended that you contact staff via phone, email or text.

  • Should you come to the church building, masks are required in the facility. If you do not have a mask, one can be provided for you.

Above all else, let us continue to pray for our community: for reduced transmission of the virus, for our medical and care staff as they serve our community, for healing and wellness for all, and for continued love, strength, and resiliency. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns or needs. 

If you are needing to get ahold of Pastor Leanne or Pam (Church Administrator), please either use our cell phones (as published in the church directory), or contact us by email at: or