First Name
Last Name
Question One
When we resume in person worship and church activities, which best describes your attitude toward returning to a worship service at church? Please select one:
I will return the first opportunity we have.
I will return at first opportunity, but with some reservations.
I will wait several additional weeks before I attend.
It may be quite a while before I return.
Not sure.
Question Two
In addition to our local government lifting its ban or guidance against public gatherings, are there other signals you would want to see before you return to attend a worship service at church? Select all that apply:
Local businesses are open again.
Local restaurant seating areas are open again.
Schools are open again.
The number of coronavirus cases in the community is very small.
Most social distancing recommendations have been lifted.
None of these.
Not sure.
Question Three
What precautions, if any, do you plan to take when you return to a worship service? Select all that apply:
I will wear a face mask.
I will stand and sit in places where I will be at least 6 feet from others (beyond my own family).
I will avoid shaking hands.
I will avoid any physical contact.
I will avoid crowded hallways.
I will bring hand sanitizer.
Other (Please describe below)
None of these
Question Three (Other)
Question Four
What precautions, if any, do you expect our church to take for worship gatherings? Select all that apply:
Limit handouts of any kind (bulletins, etc).
Use a new method for distributing communion elements.
Use a new method for collecting offerings.
Encourage social distancing in sanctuary seating.
Encourage social distancing in classes, small groups, and fellowship settings.
Prop doors open so people do not have to touch handles.
Set up one-way foot traffic entering and exiting the building and sanctuary.
Provide hand sanitizer stations.
Encourage people to wear face masks.
Discourage shaking hands/hugging.
Other (Please describe below)
None of these
Question Four (Other)
Question Five
Would you be willing to attend programs (Sunday School, Bible Studies, etc) or meetings where they typically meet?
Not right away
I don't participate in any programs/meetings outside of worship
Question Six
Do you have children age 18 or younger who live with you and typically attend church with you?
Question Seven
If answered yes to question six:
Would you allow your child(ren) to attend Sunday School or SHYP where it typically meets?
Not right away
My child(ren) do not typically attend Sunday School or SHYP
Question Eight
If answered yes to question six:
What precautions, if any, do you expect the church to take in youth programming when they resume? Select all that apply:
Reduce the number of people in each room.
Prohibit snack that would cause children to put their hands to their mouths.
Require teachers to wear face masks.
Encourage kids to wear face masks.
Require teachers to wear gloves.
Ask kids to use hand sanitizer before entering.
Other (Please describe below).
None of these.
Question Eight (Other)
Question Nine
Which of the following describes the attendance level at which you would be comfortable attending a worship service?
I would be comfortable attending if the sanctuary is...
Filled to capacity (every seat taken).
Three quarters filled (some empty seats throughout but no empty rows).
Half filled (most people have empty seats either beside them or in front of them).
One quarter filled (most people have empty seats beside them and in front of them).
None of these (at least not right away).
Not sure.
Question Ten
When we begin in person worship and church events again, which of the following would you prefer for our church?
Fully resume church services and programs immediately.
Meet in smaller groups (perhaps multiple worship services) for a few weeks to reduce the number of people in the building at one time.
Not sure.
Question Eleven
Would you be willing to attend a worship service at a different time than you typically attend in order to allow people to spread out in the sanctuary?
Not sure.
Question Twelve
How long have you been attending?
I am new in 2020.
Less than 2 years.
2-4 years.
5-9 years.
10+ years.
I don't remember.
Question Thirteen
What is your age?